Are you stuck in a dead-end job with no promotion insight?
If you’re currently struggling to pay the bills, are stuck in a dead-end job with no promotion insight or just can’t seem to find a way to substantially increase your income – your dreams of becoming a millionaire are probably slowly crumbling away.
If this is the case, we’ve caught you at a good time – check out these 8 signs that you’re going to be incredibly rich and, if this describes you in any way, get your dreams back out of the closet and start jotting down some goals because you’re destined to become a millionaire!
Establish if indeed a promotion is a possibility – not all companies are big enough to allow for career progress – and you may already be at the top of the ladder.
In such a case it may be best to begin searching for a bigger and better company where you’ll be able to make some form of progress.
“The worst days of those who enjoy what they do, are better than the best days of those who don’t.” – E. James Rohn
Always target high-growth companies that are the leaders in their industry because it is these companies that have the best positions available, most advanced technology, are world-renowned and have the best products and services – and you defiantly want to be a part of it all. Not only will working for a industry-leading company supercharge your resume and boost your earning but it will give you the kind of experience that can take you places. If you’re currently working a dead end job and have no possibility for future progression than maybe it’s time to move on. In addition if you’re heart is not in your work you’ll have a hard time staying employed never mind getting promoted.
This is why you should always be mindful of the job and industry that you choose but, if you’ve found yourself in a bit of tough position, find a way to work yourself out of it and into a position that is encompasses your true passions.
Decide on What You Want
When you enter a new industry or get a new job it’s important to go in with a solid plan in mind.
If you for whatever reason start a new job that offers no opportunities for growth and progression within the company – you’re looking at a dead-end job and you’re going to end up short-changing yourself in the long run. This is truer for large companies that have a variety of positions available as smaller firms will always have fewer options available.
“It is the nature of man to rise to greatness if greatness is expected of him.” – John Steinbeck
The same thing goes for experience – you should always look for jobs that will give you the maximum exposure to whatever position or area of expertise you’re looking to achieve. This is because the money will always follow the experience and having a well paying job that provides you with experience you can’t bank on rather than a lower paying job with a great amount of experience possibilities is just futile.
The key here is to know exactly what you want to do and who you want to do it for – once you’re clear on this it becomes a lot easier to plan a way to top.
Develop Strong Relationships
Your boss is one of your number one priorities because essentially it is he/she that will determine whether you land a promotion or even get laid off.
Many people don’t like their bosses- but the majority of these people never let it show simply because they know it’s in their best interests to remain on friendly terms with the man in charge.
If you really want to land a promotion than you’re going to have to make sure you develop a strong relationship with your boss – one that is based on mutual respect and trust. They should feel like you’re the most valuable, reliable and hard-working member of their team and at the same time they should be able to observe some strong leadership and management qualities in you. This will ensure that when it’s time to hire for one of the more senior positions – you’ll be at the top of his mental list. Anyone else that is in a higher position that you – even if they’re in the position you have your eye on should also be treated well because they are the ultimate source of information, career guidance and mentorship – which you’ll be lost without. So how do you go about developing these relationships? You simply work for it. You have to be willing to do a lot of team work, listen a lot more than you speak and be an all-round decent guy. If people feel like they can come and talk to you to find the best solutions for any work challenges than you know you’re already headed in the direction you want to go.
“When people feel trusted, they’ll do almost anything under the sun not to disappoint the person who gave them the gift of trust.” – Rob LeBow
It’s also important for you to not only build a relationship with your superiors but also with everyone else in the company. The truth is that if everyone thinks you’re a jerk this sentiment will spread throughout the company like wildfire – not to mention that it will affect your work since you’ll find your colleagues will be reluctant to work and cooperate with you. If this happens – you no amount of over-time will be able to make up for it so always remain o top of your game.
Also remember that people like to see commitment, willingness to learn and respect in their future leaders – so always pay attention to your behavior and attitude and adjust it to suit your needs. This does not however, mean that you should be too aggressive in your bid to get noticed – knowing how to pace yourself is a very crucial part of the process and requires a balance between getting noticed though self-promotion and being humble.
Work Smart and Delegate
If you want to succeed in any field you simply have to manage your time in such a way that you accomplish your goals in the shortest space of time possible.
There is no substitute for old-fashioned hard work but you can certainly take short-cuts along the way by increasing your work productivity – so you do more in less time.
You should also learn how to delegate tasks to others so that you can focus on the important things. It is virtually impossible to move up the ranks in any company without learning how to delegate effectively to the right people because this is the only way to maximize your output and value. It may be hard at first, particularly if you’re a perfectionist that believes no one can do things as well as you can but there is no moving up without letting go of the small things. When delegating always ensure you’re selecting the right person for the job because if the tasks set out is well above their abilities and pay-grade you’ll only cause irreversible damage to the person’s confidence and set your own goals back. If one person cannot handle an entire task be sure to split it up so that it can get done completely and on time.
It is also important to be open-minded and approachable so that people will see you as a friend rather than an enemy which is a big motivator for them to complete whatever it is you’ve requested of them. In addition always set specific guidelines, standards and deadlines so that nothing is left to chance but don’t micro-manage people – or risk their loyalty and effort.
“No man will make a great leader who wants to do it all himself, or to get all the credit for doing it.” –Andrew Carnegie
People that are the most likely to receive a promotion are also those who are the best team-players because every successful boss knows that the fate of their bottom line never rests solely on the shoulders of one man – even though some may come close.
Being a team-player means that you should always give credit where credit is due. If you’re being praised for successfully completing a project make sure to mention those that without you wouldn’t have been able to cope and do this in the most pleasant manner. This doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t take credit for your own work – as this is the only way to ensure you’re on the short-list for the next promotion but, this doesn’t mean you should take all of the credit.
Dress the Part
It seems like a no-brainer but the way you present yourself is absolutely crucial to your success.
People in positions of power are by default impressive dressers that are masters of their own wardrobes. If you’re going to show up to work dressed in washed out jeans and a ACDC t-shirt – you had better be the smartest, most hard-working and irreplaceable guy in the building or you’ll end up stuck in your current position for longer than you’d ever think possible.
“You got to dress for the job you want, not the job you got.” – Mitch Gilliam
You should accessorize carefully in a way that reflects professionalism at all times – even when you’re on a business trip or attending a company seminar or course.
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