10 Things Every Man Should Master

things every man should know

We live in an era where men are expected to know more than how to change a light bulb and flat tire – the level of multi-disciplinary mastery a man is now required to have is, to say the least, intimidating.

Many of us wish we could go back to the 50’s where the only things we would’ve had to worry about was wearing the right suit and keeping our hair slicked back with the right type of gel, but truth is, modern society has converted us to unstoppable beasts – and we wouldn’t want it any other way.

If you want to consider yourself a man of many wonders you’ll simply have to put in the time and effort to master some things that your ego couldn’t possibly survive without – and no, none of it involves knowing how to dish out a bunch of good one-liners. No sir, this is not a drill, it’s the real deal and you better know what you’re doing if you want to get (and stay), on top of your game.

Table of Contents

  1. Know Your Car – Both Inside and Out
  2. Dressing to the T – For Every Occasion and Situation
  3. Keep Your Body in Shape
  4. How to Negotiate & Hold a Conversation
  5. How to Play the Dating Game
  6. Investing & Saving
  7. How to Please a Woman in Bed
  8. Basic DIY’s, Repairs, & Chores
  9. Take Responsibility & Know When to Walk Away
  10. The Fun Stuff – Being a Man of Class

Here’s a look at the top 10 things every man should master (in no particular order at all):

Know Your Car – Both Inside and Out

A real man knows the inner workings of a car like the back of his hand.

Sure we’re usually too busy to service our own cars but, this doesn’t mean we shouldn’t have the knowledge and experience to fix it if it breaks or to engage in an in-depth conversation on the topic.

Changing a flat in 15 minutes flat? Damn right. Oil, water and brake fluid changes? No problem, if our schedules permit it. Taking a hit at identifying issues under the hood before a mechanic gets a chance to take a look? You bet it.

Driving is a whole other ball game and you need to be better than good – forget parallel and reverse parking – you should have mastered that even before you could take an informed look under the hood. Even if you think you’re driving skills are top of the range – take the plunge and learn how to really work the one machine that wins you applause all round by taking a professional driving course.

This will teach you how to master your speed, turns, pull-offs and how to maintain control in the toughest of conditions in addition to a ton of “fun stuff” you simply can’t practice on your daily commute to work. Just think Jason Statham in Transporter and you’ll be sold.

Dressing to the T – For Every Occasion and Situation

You need to know how to dress for every environment and occasion with the kind of style and taste that would set you apart from every other man in town.

This goes for everything from appropriate interview attire to how to dress for a first date and how to accessorise without going overboard. You need to own at least one decent suit and I’m not talking about a good hand me down. I’m talking about a suit you had tailor-fitted to the exact measurements of your body. Not the shoddy kind where the waist is perfect, but the arms are too big or the length of the jacket is too long and resembles that of the 40’s – you’re not a cast member of The Great Gatsby. Why not take it up a notch and own at least 3 or 4 suits in more than just black? Whatever you do, avoid colours like deep purple or mustard – you’re not Barney and you’re not a pimp – you’re a grown man that’s got his sh!t together. Look the part. Whether you are going to a wedding, a dinner, a work event or a funeral, you need to have at least one good suit. While you are at it, learn how to tie a regular tie, a bow tie and fold a pocket square.

If you don’t know how to tie your own shoelaces – there isn’t really any advice that I, or anyone else can give you to catch up – except perhaps, your mom. Hygiene should also be something that you’ve got under complete control – and this means more than just taking your daily shower. You should use appropriate toiletries, get a regular haircut and keep all body hair neat and under control at all times.

Keep Your Body in Shape

This has two parts to it – food and exercise. You should be educated about what kinds of foods are the best to keep you lean and help you build muscle.

If you’re thirty five and above – now would be a good time to start incorporating an anti-aging lifestyle into your everyday life. If you’re no expert in the kitchen, start with learning how to cook a decent breakfast since it’s the most important meal of the day. Then move onto something more intricate and continue until you have more than just bacon and eggs on your list of mastered dishes. If you’re a fan of eating a high protein diet – make sure you can manage more than just a tuna based protein dish. The internet is full of health and fitness experts that aim their content at men looking to stay healthy and in shape – follow them and keep up. If you don’t know how to buy your own groceries – this would be a good time to write a list and hit the grocery store – making sure you can survive without any outside help it a must for any modern man. When it comes to exercise you need to ensure you get at least 3 workouts into your schedule every week – anything less will have you walking around with a beer-belly sooner than you think.

If you’re not a fan of the local gym, make sure you know how to execute a decent exercise routine at home whether you have equipment or not – there is no excuse for not getting sticking to an exercise routine. Prostate cancer has dramatically increased over the past 5 years and more and too many of us are unaware of how dangerous this is – early detection is critical so don’t forget to have regular health check-ups and visit the dentist at least twice a year.

How to Negotiate & Hold a Conversation

Imagine sitting in the company of some extraordinary people and you have no idea how to hold your weight in the conversation?

If you’re not a smooth talker and struggle to keep up with the people around you than you have a lot of work to do. Don’t just focus on learning about your own interests and industry – broaden your horizons so that you are able to hold a conversation with just about anyone and on just about any topic. You don’t have to be the biggest sports fanatic or an expert on surviving in the wilderness but, it wouldn’t hurt to know how to keep the room entertained with a bit of general knowledge and wit. Pick up a book or two and learn about different cultures and any other topic you’re not too knowledgeable about. Get to know the world around you so that you don’t sound like a colossal idiot at the dinner table.

What better opportunity to run your mouth than when you’re in the company of people you need to establish a good relationship with to further your career and life in general? In addition, you should master the skill of negotiating – and not just on the purchase price of car but, on everything from your next salary increase salary to who’s going to be doing the dishes after dinner.

How to Play the Dating Game

Playing the dating game with skill and confidence. If you’re single – than this is going to apply to you.

Every real man should know how to ask a lady out, where to take her and how to get her to in bed without spending too much time or money. If you’re struggling to meet eligible girls in the real world than you should definitely join a couple of dating sites where you’ll be guaranteed to meet hot women who are looking for the same thing as you. Once you’ve landed that first date – you should have a decent plan to go with it. Don’t leave any of the planning up to her – be a man and take control. Women love surprises so tell her you’ll be wining and dining her at one of your favourite places – and make sure you leave a little curiosity in your wake.

Take her to a place where you can sit down and enjoy each other’s company without feeling like the music is too loud or the service is too unprofessional. Take her to a place where she feels she needs to dress up a little and, let her know that you are happy that she’s agreed to go with you. Don’t overdo it with the drinks so she doesn’t feel like you’re trying to get her drunk and don’t under do it – so she feels like you’re being cheap. Think it through, hatch your plan and make your move.

Investing & Saving

Gone are the days when holding a good job was enough to meet your financial goals.

Don’t just waste your money on a good night out with the boys – learn how to put your money to good use by investing in something profitable.

The best place to invest your money is in some form of passive income that will generate money and increase your bank balance while you sleep. Look at investing in property or in the stock market learn how to make your money work for you. Get to know what’s happening in the world of investments and find something that’ll boost your finances.

If you’re currently working a 9-5 job start working towards a promotion or consider starting your own business – financial freedom comes to those who have the balls to go for what they want and are willing to put in the work to get it. In addition you should have an emergency fund and be able to effectively manage your money.

How to Please a Woman in Bed

Forget the porn stash and take a leaf out of the gentleman’s handbook – women love being treated well and if you want to get some – you’ve got to know how to play a strong game.

Sometimes it just happens and you just go with flow of things, but even if it is unplanned – a skilled man will always come out on top. Men may google things related to penis size more than any other sexually-related search but, truth is the size of your penis is never the main concern for women – it’s all about skill for them. Seduce her better than they do in the movies.

Learn how to untie a bra without too much fussing and learn how to take off her panties in a way that turns her on. Always make her feel sexy. Always make it look like it’s about her and only her. Learn the art of cunnilingus as best you can so you at least look like you know what you are doing even when you don’t. Remember that making it about her will make her want to return the favour so keep the focus on her pleasure before yours. Try and keep the fore-play going for as long as long as you can so it feels less like a hook up. When you’ve managed to get her to home base try not to be so excited that the action resembles that of you masturbating inside her. Even when it is just a quick fix, they do not want to feel like you’re re-enacting a scene from your favourite smut files.

Keep it clean and decent and you might get another chance to change things up a bit. If you’re not up for dating – there are many companion services a man can get his weekly dose of pleasure.

Basic DIY’s, Repairs, & Chores

Forget changing a lightbulb – your grandmother can do that.

You need to know how to change a light fixture, unclog a blocked drain, change a lock and unhinge a door among many of the other typical household repairs that happen to be needed every now and then – regardless of whether you can afford to have someone else do it for you or not. You need to know how to mow the lawn, do your own laundry, iron clothes and clean up after yourself.

If you buy a DIY desk – you better be able to assemble it at home even if you’re using the instructions like you’ve never seen a screwdriver before in your life. All these things should be mastered by every man walking the face of earth but this doesn’t mean you have to change your day job to handyman – just know the basics and you’ll be able to figure out the rest as you go along.

You should also know how to research, purchase, set-up and use all forms of modern electronics and devices – but this is something you’re probably an expert thanks to your superior male genetics.

Take Responsibility & Know When to Walk Away

Learn how to let things go and how to apologise.

This applies to everything from your work life to your personal life. If you’ve made a mistake – admit it, get over it and move on – it’s that simple.

When you achieve any form of success know how to politely take a compliment whether it’s from your boss or from your mom and most of all, know when to accept rejection and how to get it over it – fast. Men have fragile egos; let’s just admit to that one thing. We hate it when women say no because it spurs in us the need to try harder. It brings out the cavemen in us and we try and try again. Be the man that lets it go when the lady clearly shows no interest or is playing games. There are still plenty of fish in the sea. Don’t get so hung up on the one who refuses to be caught and if you want to get an ex girlfriend back – do it the right way.

The Fun Stuff – Being a Man of Class

Every man should know his way around a casino – from Poker to Roulette and Blackjack.

You should know how to indulge in a good game even if you’re not a regular gambler or just play at home with your boys.

You should know how to light and smoke a cigar without making everyone in the room burst out in laughter. You should know how to choose a good wine and champagne and of course, how to throw a damn good party. You should also know how to remedy the hangover that comes after the party. You should also know how to light a fire and barbeque/braai like you’ve been doing it since kindergarten.

You should know how to make restaurant reservations, order flowers, book flights and pretty much do any form of online and telephonic transaction known to man – why? Well because you’re a man of course.

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